Monday, April 25, 2011

Week 2 of training

Well, week 1 was not so great.  After my disastrous ride, I never found time to get back on the bike.  Can I just list my excuses and get it over with?  homeschooling 5 kids, preparation for Easter, upcoming graduation, sick grandmother, car in shop, dinners, grocery shopping, and on and on...Ok, I am done now and I feel much better.  Thank you.

Now, for week 2.  I got up super early this morning and my first thought was coffee (it's my first thought every morning.  Nothing happens pre-coffee).  And in a moment of insanity and weekness I thought "I'll ride my bike to Starbucks."  Now, hear is the part I am proud of...I curbed my impulsivity.  Because then I thought "wait, I can't ride my bike pre-coffee.  I could never save myself from another imminent crash."  Plus that, my bike has no cup holder.  Now, at that moment my brain split and had two conversations at one time (please tell me that other people do this too).  One side of my brain said, "Now, why not?  Why can't bikes be more like cars?"  The other side said, "ooh...look at me...I'm being all mature and grown up and curbing my impulses.  This training thing is a good thing for me."

So, the remainder of today's blog will explore these thoughts.  First, why can't a bike be more like a car?  Here are the deficiencies in bikes:
1.  No cup holder.  Now, I know what some of you are thinking.  I'm not talking about that harness thing for a water bottle.  No, I want a genuine cup holder.  The kind that can hold a coffee or a coke with ice.
2.  No air conditioning.  I know that sometimes there is a breeze, but I need real air that cools you down when it takes away the humidity.
3.  Very uncomfortable seats.  No explanation needed.  If you are confused, go sit on your bike for about an hour.  If you are still confused, call your doctor, you may have some dread disease that doesn't allow for feeling in your gluteous maximus.
4.  No radio.  Now, I know some of you are yelling "ipod".  And yes, I agree that an ipod would fix the problem, but those of you that are yelling that must be those kind of people that PLAN things and remember to go and get your ipod.  Not me.  I just act on a whim and jump on my bike and take off. (Actually, doesn't that sound delightful...jump on my bike and take off....kinda like a vacation (which I need badly), but it's not as easy as it sounds.  Trust me, I know.  Read my previous posts.)
5.  No gas pedal.  (Truly, I am serious).  Sometimes, I get tired of pedaling.  I think I'd like to be able to just turn a key and oowie mama, I am off.
6.  Most importantly, bikes are not condusive to conversation.  Which is why I am writing this blog, because by the time I get home I'm behind on the amount of words that I need to say.  (Did you know that women have a NEED to say a certain number of words a day?)  I do really like to talk.  Obviously, I don't even care if someone answers me.  I just like to talk.  OH NO!  I just had this horrid thought.  What if in one of my impulsive moments, I start talking to myself while on the bike?  Then everyone in my neighborhood will start talking about the fat woman on a bike who talks to herself.  OH WAIT!  I'll just attach a blue tooth to my helmet and everyone will think that I am very important and don't even have time to take a bike ride without checking in with the office.  (little will they know that when the "office" calls it is usually a clueless child needing help with an algebra problem that I can't see over the telephone or some hungry child wanting to know what is for lunch.  Not really time sensitive material.)

So, now I am thinking about building the perfect bike...good thing I am married to an engineer.

I guess I'll have to save the "moments of pride" discussion for later.  Anyway, pride is not necessarily a good thing.

See ya soon!

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